On the 18th October 2016, Victoria Avenue Children’s Centre took part in an Indigenous Youth summit called Murama. Over 100 Indigenous student youth leaders from Cairns, Canberra, Dubbo, Bathurst, Campbelltown and St Clare shared elements of their culture on the day. The children from Victoria Avenue Children’s Centre were immersed in cultural workshops including dance, song, art, storytelling and participated in many traditional indigenous children’s games. The Indigenous student youth leaders were there to support our children’s learning, understanding and connections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. During the opening ceremony, Uncle Greg Simms from Dharag country gave a Welcome to Country and the children participated in a smoking ceremony. The children and educators were cleansed as they walked through the smoke. The children welcomed the opportunity to learn more about the traditional owners of this land and were able to contribute to an art experience creating a cultural mural on the day. Both the children and the Indigenous student youth leaders were very proud of the children’s involvement in this creative art piece.
Early Years Learning Framework Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity.