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Bicentennial Park Excursion

The Green Room children (0-2 age group) from the Victoria Avenue Children’s Centre had their very first excursion to our local Bicentennial Park! It was an extremely exciting experience for the children, the families and the educators. It took us almost half a year to prepare our children to be…
Vanessa Huh
August 18, 2017

Educational Documentation

At Victoria Avenue, the Orange room children (2-3 year olds) are currently investigating the following provocation, “I wonder what a seed is?” This provocation has opened up many questions and learning opportunities, provoking children to think why a fruit has a seed/s, what we can do with them and comparing…
Vanessa Huh
July 5, 2017

‘Murama’ Indigenous Youth Summit Excursion

On the 18th October 2016, Victoria Avenue Children’s Centre took part in an Indigenous Youth summit called Murama. Over 100 Indigenous student youth leaders from Cairns, Canberra, Dubbo, Bathurst, Campbelltown and St Clare shared elements of their culture on the day. The children from Victoria Avenue Children’s Centre were immersed…
Kelly Fraas
June 1, 2017

Intergenerational Connection

The Green room have made a regular connection and commitment to visit Redleaf Manor a nursing home close to the centre. The children walked to the centre on a series of fortnightly visits, making genuine connections, sharing books, stories from day care, drawing and bringing Easter treats. We will continue…
Kelly Fraas
May 22, 2017